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Support Our Team’s Wellbeing

At Blossom LGBT, our paid staff and volunteers are at the heart of everything we do. They provide essential support, resources, and care to those who need it most. However, it is essential to recognise that working with individuals who are facing challenges can take a toll on one's own mental health.


GOAL : 2000 £

RAISED : 0 £


Pride Month Fundraiser: Support Our Mission to Empower Queer Gen-Z

Together, We Can Empower LGBTQIA+ Young Adults This Pride Month, we invite you to be part of our movement for creating meaningful change in the lives of queer gen-z. By supporting our fundraiser, you can make a direct impact on the lives of LGBTQIA+ young adults, empowering them to succeed and thrive. Our Purpose and […]


GOAL : 3000 £

RAISED : 0 £


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