Businesses are struggling to

RETAIN and Motivate Gen-Z!

With over a quarter of the Gen-Z population identifying within the LGBTQIA+ community, we're well equipped to guide you through the change required to attract, retain, and motivate the newest generation of your workforce.

We asked a room of 50 LGBTQIA+ university students to raise their hands if they would feel safe being open about their identity once they start work.

Not a single student did.

How We Can Help You

Since 2019, Blossom LGBT has been dedicated to providing hands-on support for LGBTQIA+ young adults aged 16 to 30. Our mission extends beyond assistance; we guide them through every facet of their transition into adulthood, including their first and subsequent employment experiences. This unique vantage point grants us invaluable insights into their specific needs. Gen-Zers are navigating career paths with remarkable agility. However, the statistics reveal a concerning trend: on average, they leave jobs within a mere 12 months. For LGBTQIA+ Gen-Z individuals, this tenure is even shorter—just 6 months. The rapid turnover rate is felt across businesses nationwide, and it’s creating a palpable skills gap. Employers are awakening to the reality that swift departures have negative impacts on their bottom line.


At Blossom LGBT, we don’t rely on guesswork or political ideology to create business guidance. Instead, we anchor our guidance in rigorous research and real-world results. Annually, we collaborate closely with our service users and multiple reputable research institutes to paint a clear picture of what truly works. Our approach is grounded in science, informed by market research, and geared toward tangible business outcomes. Our goal is to create systemic change in the workplace that builds a skilled workforce for your business and sustainable and healthy careers for our young adults.

Hear from our CEO

Oscar Hoyle, Blossom LGBT CEO, is our lead consultant and is heavily involved in the development of guidance and training content. Oscar explains the approach we take, how we ensure quality, and what you can expect when working with Blossom LGBT.

You can reach out to Oscar Directly by emailing
Meet Some of Our Previous Clients

We don’t believe that size should be a barrier to working with Blossom, from global charities to start up finance companies, we’ve partnered with organisations of all sizes. Our expert team have experience working across all sectors and many business models, this means we understand what you need and what’s reasonable. 


Start from £350 per session

All of our sessions are coproduced with our service users and focus on sharing evidence and research in a personable way. Our team of staff undergo significant training to bring you some of the most engaging and interactive training available. With topics ranging from LGBT 1-0-1 through to how to step up as an authentic leader, we provide courses tailored for different audiences at a reasonable price. 


Our training is perfectly tailored to meet organisations regardless of where they are on their journey.


Get started from £1000
Systemic change doesn’t happen overnight. That is why you need a trusted partner whose in it for the long run.  We focus on establishing long term relationships that give you tangible guidance with a focus on what works your specific business. All of our guidance is crafted using the voices of our young adults, case studies from businesses who have seen success, and mental science.

Partner with us knowing we’re insured, assured, and 100% confident in our guidance.


Build something unique.

Align your brand with one of the UK’s fastest growing LGBTQIA+ non profits. Each year we reach 100’s of LGBTQIA+ young adults and run a minimum of 10 open access events every single month. Sponsoring a Blossom LGBT programme can get your name in front of young adults hungry to success in the world of work. 


You sponsorship also sends a message to new and existing employees, your business values development, inclusion, and equality. 

What we hear from our clients

0 %

of clients say our training was engaging for their employees and that the session was well delivered.

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Of our annual partners say we beat their expectations.

Worried About The D&I Wild West?

We understand the growing concern around the state of Diversity and Inclusion. It feels like the D&I realm has become a bit of a “Wild West,” with varying approaches, unmeasurable outcomes, and personal agendas taking precedence. But here’s where Blossom LGBT stands out: We’re not just in it for the fancy horse!


We’re fully insured so you can trust our guidance. Moreover, our team receives ongoing training on relevant equalities law, and we keep a close eye on case law developments to ensure we’re always on the cutting edge. Despite our interest in legislation, our guidance is about going above and beyond and creating settings that empower young adults to thrive. Focusing on establishing your business as an employer of choice.


What truly sets us apart, though, is our dedication to measurable impact. We’ll work with you to track progress—whether it’s analysing staff retention data or assessing your organisational culture. You can use your systems, or we can introduce our own. Either way, rest assured that every step is purposeful, measurable, and results-drive

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Once you’ve enquired about our work, a member of our senior leadership team will be able to run you through a number of case studies from previous clients, exploring what we did and the results we achieved. 

All of our ‘ready to go’ guidance is about going above your statutory requirements meaning we seldom require legal assurance, that being said, we work annually with third party legal experts to check our guidance and knowledge levels. We may also engage these experts if we’re building bespoke guidance for you. We regularly cross check any guidance with the Equality Act 2010 and any other relevant legislation such as GDPR. Our consultants have clear training on these legislations and are expected to demonstrate a detailed knowledge. 

We’ll work with whoever you feel is best placed to carry this work forwards. This might included, but isn’t limited to, a senior leader, HR manager, D&I professional, LGBT ERG lead, or chief of staff. 

Don’t worry! One of the most common enquires we get is from businesses who really want to work with us but aren’t quite sure how. Get in touch anyway and we can chat through your options and see what you think is best. 

We get it, the last few years trans inclusion has been a bit of a political lightening rod. The reality is, we’re not trying to remove anyone else’s workplace rights. Blossom is focused on exploring the experiences of your employees and our service users and finding a harmonious balance. We’ll create guidance and policies alongside you that advocate for the inclusion of employees from every demographic. In turn, ensuring trans people are dignified at work and no one feels left behind on your journey to becoming an inclusive employer. 

That’s fine! Our number one aim is to work with you to achieve outcomes that work for your business. We would always prefer you to tell us no and return to the drawing board instead of implementing something that just isn’t right for your workplace. 

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