Building a skilled & compassionate workforce

expert employee training

If you're looking for engaging and tangible training that'll leave your team with a brand new understanding of vital subjects, look no further!


When you work with queer gen-z on a daily basis you pick up a thing or two about how to make a workshop stand out! We run training sessions with a difference, rather than focusing on delivering a long talk, we get attendees engaged through a combination of interactive activities and talking points. Years of delivering workshops to LGBTQIA+ young adults across the UK mean we’re experts in how to engage different learning styles and thinkers through a variety of delivery methods and tools. 

As the LGBT third sector leaders in Gen-Z, and with an organisational focus on employability, we’ve built a comprehensive bank of knowledge ready to be shared with allies and LGBTQIA+ colleagues alike. From staff development through to allyship at work, we can help. 

“I recently attended an exceptional training session led by Blossom as part of our inclusion plan. The trainer’s expertise and professionalism were evident from the outset, not because they where super corporate, but because they created a space that felt open and inviting through their charm and humour. They delivered the content with clarity, enthusiasm, and a deep understanding of the subject matter. Their ability to engage the audience and make seemingly complex topics accessible was truly impressive. Perhaps the most refreshing part of this training was that they spoke at a relatable level by making it clear to our staff they don’t have to be perfect, they just have to try!”

– Learning and Development manager in the retail sector (June 2024)


We know people learn best when they’re able to make mistakes. That’s why we work hard to set a comforting tone where experimenting is encouraged and people are given the room to get things wrong. Pronouns, names, flags, and even new working styles can seem really confusing to a person whose not explored these topics before, that’s why we build a relaxed space to learn. Afterall, we’ve all made mistakes! All of our trainers undergo intense training on workshop delivery, responding to hostile behaviour, and have first hand experience in the topics they deliver – We go above and beyond what you’d expect from a charity training service to deliver private sector results. 



Our training is built on a very simple ethos, creating systemic change today so that queer gen-z can thrive tomorrow. That’s why we explore a range of topics with a vast variety of audiences. Focused on building cultures and people that are sustainable and kind.



Of feedback rated our training four stars or above.

0 %

Of attendees said they learnt something new in the session.

Our Offer

Every Blossom LGBT session is tailored according to your workplace needs, this means our sessions below are rough outlines ready for you to tell us how they can be best tweaked to work for your business. We also offer key note talks, discussion panellists, and a guest comms work.


Our training sessions start from £400 for small businesses, government run services, and charities. We operate a sliding scale to ensure everyone who wants our support can access it. 


Sessions designed for people who are new to the LGBTQIA+ community and looking to embed a basic understanding. 

Session Length: 60/180 Mins
Delivery: Hybrid
Audience: Anyone whose not up to date on LGBTQ+ Community. 
About: Our LGBT 101 session is an inclusive and enlightening workshop designed to enhance understanding and promote allyship within the LGBTQ+ community. Participants will explore fundamental concepts, terminology, and societal context related to orientation and gender identity. 

Session Length: 60/180 Mins
Delivery: Hybrid
Audience: Anyone looking to advocate for others. 
About: Our Allyship 101 Training Session is a dynamic and interactive workshop that empowers individuals to be effective allies across diverse communities. Participants will explore the principles of allyship, learn practical strategies for supporting marginalized groups, and engage in thoughtful discussions. From understanding privilege to practicing active listening, this session equips attendees with the tools needed to create a more inclusive and compassionate world. Whether you’re a seasoned advocate or just beginning your allyship journey, this session provides a welcoming space for growth and learning.

Session Length: 60/180 Mins
Delivery: Hybrid
Audience: People looking to understand the trans community. 

About: Gender identity refers to the way we describe the gender someone has. In this session we’ll explore what that means, the terms you’ll often hear, the current outlook for trans people, and start to look at the experiences of people who identify as trans and non-binary.

Session Length: 60/180 Mins
Delivery: Hybrid
Audience: People looking to understand a community. 
About: Looking to learn the basics around a specific LGBTQ+ identity? We can run short 1-0-1 sessions on:

  • Ace & Aro Spectrum Identities 
  • Bi Identities 
  • Gay & Lesbian Identities 
  • Intersex Identities 
  • Non-Binary Identities 
  • Trans Identities 

The agenda of these sessions will touch on:

  • What the identity is.
  • Terminology 
  • Experiences

Can’t quite find what you’re looking for? We’re experts in LGBTQ+ inclusion and can create custom workshops as required. Email Info@Blossom.LGBT to discuss!


Whilst developing allies is important, we think learning should never stop at the fundamentals..
Session Length: 60/180 Mins
Delivery: Hybrid
Audience: Anyone in a person facing role.
About: Most of us operate from a place of being passively inclusive, this means we value inclusion but don’t know (or don’t try) to create environments where people are included from the get go. This course is to get your colleagues thinking about how they can actively be inclusive. This matters because it shows people that they are considered from the very start of your journey making them more likely to purchase goods, return as a customer, and generally have a positive experience with your company.
Session Length: 60/180 Mins
Delivery: Hybrid
Audience: Line managers, HR, and anyone involved in recruitment.
About: Even if you haven’t historically employed openly LGBTQ+ people, it’s increasingly likely that you will, it’s vital you provide your staff training to ensure that they can in the future. We’ll use this session to explore how you can do more to support
Session Length: 60/180 Mins
Delivery: Hybrid
Audience: Anyone looking to role model inclusion or success in the workplace.
About: Embracing the role of a positive role model is a powerful commitment. Our ‘Stepping Up as a Role Model’ session encourages participants to lead by example, demonstrating integrity, empathy, and inclusivity. Through real-world stories and practical guidance, attendees explore how their actions—big or small—can inspire others and create a ripple effect of positive change. Whether it’s championing diversity, modeling resilience, or advocating for ethical behavior, this session empowers individuals to be intentional in shaping a better world for those around them


Leaders face challenges when it comes to engaging gen-z and diverse employees, we can help.

Session Length: 60/180 Mins
Delivery: Hybrid
Audience: Newly promoted line managers or above.
About: LGBTQIA+ leaders often have a tough time stepping up, after all, having spent so much time trying to hide how we are it can be tough to put our heads above the water. In this session we come together and explore how our identities are actually our biggest strength. 
Session Length: 60 Mins
Delivery: In-Person
Audience: Senior leaders.
About: Our CEO will run a breakfast chat with your senior leaders or a group of senior leaders. Offering an informal space to discuss D&I and inclusion more broadly – plus a networking space!
Session Length: 60/180 Mins
Delivery: Hybrid
Audience: Anyone in a leadership position or future leadership.
About: A crash course session exploring what Gen-Z are saying about their employers, how they are experiencing work according to data, and our approach to creating a stronger culture that retains them.

Can’t quite find what you’re looking for? We’re experts in LGBTQ+ inclusion and can create custom workshops as required. Email Info@Blossom.LGBT to discuss!


Use this calculator to get a rough idea of what we’d usually charge for our training sessions. If our price doesn’t quite meet your expectations or you’re looking for something a little bit different then we’d recommend contacting us directly by clicking here. 

Skip the small talk!

Use the booking form below to meet with a member of the Blossom LGBT senior leadership team to discuss how we can kick start a your training session together. Alternatively you can click here to send us an email. 


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