'EMPOWER' Our 2023 to 2025 Strategy

A Message From Our CEO

After four years of success, myself and the board of directors know that it’s important to make sure Blossom LGBT is future proof & has a clear directional vision.

We want to ensure that we channel our energy in the correct direction, appropriately support our members, and be clear of our place within the wider LGBTQ+ third sector.


We enter 2023 with ambitious plans. To grow, to thrive, and truly make long lasting change for those we work with. This includes a mission to expand our weekly and monthly groups and to build stronger foundations for the future of our service by making our weekend gays jobs into full time day jobs.


We believe that everyone who engages in our work has a right to understand what we’re working towards and why we’re doing it, that’s why we’re publicly sharing our new strategy.


We will continue to review the work we do regularly ensure it’s creating equitable and powerful outcomes. Amongst other things, I’m particularly keen to focus on engaging more with Black, Asian, Middle Eastern, and other Minority Ethnic communities in the years to come.


This is an exciting time for Blossom and I’m glad you’re joining us on this journey!


Best Wishes,

Oscar T Hoyle

Establishing Our Identity TO EMPOWER OURSELVES.

We begin our strategy by defining who we are as an organisation. These act as operational anchors which we consistently draw back to allowing us to ensure that the work we do is right and aligns with our organisationals purpose!

Our Purpose

We support the amazing things that LGBTQ+ people can achieve when they are empowered to succeed without the fear of discrimination.

Our Vision

Together, we’ll create environments where LGBTQ+ young adults can succeed in all aspects of their social and professional lives.

Our Audience

LGBTQ+ young adults, often aged between 16 to 30, based in South East England and the people who live & work alongside them.

Our Story

Blossom began in 2019 being run from the living rooms of inspired volunteers who wanted to change the way young LGBTQ+ people connected. Quickly we discovered the huge need for supportive spaces for LGBTQ+ young adults. By 2021 Blossom had registered as a community interest company and made a name for itself as a progressive and forward-thinking community-led organisation.


Today Blossom is Surrey’s largest LGBTQ+ not for profit boasting an impressive team of 6 paid employees and a passionate team of over 20 volunteers. 


Before working with Blossom our members tell us that they felt confused, isolated, and withdrawn. We empower them to blossom… into beautiful & confident people. This allows our members to find true happiness and gives them the power to build sturdy careers, meaningful relationships, and pride in who they are.

Our Shared Values

Every day we make decisions that have an impact on Blossom and our community. Our values represent our shared principles across everything we do. We use these to justify decision making, outline our ways of working, and deciding who we work with. 


We are kind-hearted and respectful of others. We know the people we work with are on learning journeys and continue to empower them.


We are proud of who we are. We understand & celebrate the strength that it takes to be an authentic individual.


We are change-makers and believe in taking action for a stronger community.


We are powerful when acting as one strong community. We operate with each other's interests and needs in mind.

Strategic Pillars for LGBT young adults to bloom.

To create environments where LGBTQ+ young adults can succeed in their social and professional lives we focus our work around four key pillars which each of our services needs to fulfil.


We know the power of providing spaces for LGBTQ+ people to build support networks and connect with each other.


We’re empowering individuals by sharing knowledge and skills. By building stronger people we can create a powerful & economically stable LGBTQ+ community.


We’re actively creating spaces for LGBTQ+ young adults to express their identity in a positive and constructive way.


Throughout everything we do; we’re going to ensure that we support LGBTQ+ young adults during their journey with us to bloom into authentic, successful, and prosperous people. We’ll celebrate & platform these success stories.

Service Delivery Review

Woking Wellbeing Space


Our social groups provide a peer-to-peer LGBTQ+ space to create community, have fun, and make meaningful connections. Historically referred to as ‘The Woking Social Group’ this group will now focus on wellbeing alongside peer-to-peer support.



Research by LGBT Hero in 2020 found that 56% of LGBTQ+ people said they experienced loneliness “very often” or “every day”. We know that experiencing isolation can increase the risk of mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideology. Isolation can also cause increased stress, poor self esteem, and can lead to individuals making risky decisions which can cause them considerable harm.


LGBTQ+ people are considerably more likely to experience isolation due to the fear of discrimination with Stonewall research finding that one in five LGBTQ+ people have experienced a hate incident in the last year. This rises to two in five trans people. Building peer-to-peer support networks can considerably reduce feelings of isolation whilst also equipping LGBTQ+ people to cope with the fear of discrimination.


Moving Forwards

There is a clear demand and need for our LGBTQ+ social space in Woking and we’ll continue to deliver this group. The group should remain free & open access but we should consider how people can support our work financially should they wish to do so.


The social space feedback has highlighted a significant need to focus on wellbeing & coping and as such part of the future delivery of this service will be to focus on building the resilience and wellbeing of our service users.


To build on our existing foundations we need to consider ways to delegate responsibility for the daily operations of our social spaces to ensure its operation isn’t reliant on company directors. The group requires additional promotion which we should consider via higher education establishments & social media marketing. We plan to scope the expansion of these spaces into areas of Surrey currently not catered for by the wider LGBTQ+ sector.


We also should consider increasing the maximum service user age from 25 towards 30. This not only fills a gap in local service provision, but is reactive to service user feedback and helps with the groups target market.

Success Indicators
  • Session is delivered with appropriate volunteer levels every single week without exception.
  • 75% of people who come along to their first session return for at least three sessions.
  • Quarterly service user feedback indicates an average review of ‘good’ or ‘very good’.
  • The average number of group attendees remains the same or grows.
12 Month Targets
  • Reach an additional repeat 10 service users.
  • Raise £15,000 to cover the operations of this group along with development of wellbeing focused services and a further £3,900 to cover the cost of two session facilitators.
  • Improve on the groups governance and data gathering processes to demonstrate progression, attendance, and actions.
  • Create a promotional strategy for the service.
Long Term targets
  • Implement processes which increase unrestricted income within this group.
  • Raise the funds and recruit for a full time service manager.
  • Scope opportunities & partnerships to expand the delivery of similar groups within and outside of Surrey.

Employability Skill & Mentoring Scheme


A mentoring, education, and internship programme empowering young LGBTQ+ adults to improve confidence and up-skill leading to them accessing longer lasting & meaningful employment.



Research by CIPD found that 60% of graduates who where formally out as LGBTQ+ within education refrain from disclosing their true identity when starting work. Further research by OECD in 2019 found LGBTQ+ people are under represented in employment by 7% rising to 24% of trans women. LGBTQ+ people are also 11% less likely to hold higher management level jobs with trans men being 23% less likely.


Although discrimination plays a significant role, it’s evident through our work with LGBTQ+ young adults that the damage caused to confidence & wellbeing results in long lasting absences from employment, education, and training.



Moving Forwards

The initial framework of this service has been proposed to funders on a two year pilot programme and we expect to hear back in May 2023 regarding the success of this proposal.


The management of this service will be required to build a series of workshops and classes designed to support LGBTQ+ young adults to develop the skills required to enter the workplace. They’ll need to create a system for monitoring success and ensuring the mentees don’t develop a dependence on our services.


It’s important that we use our existing relationships with the LGBTQ+ sector, the wider third sector, and LGBTQ+ inclusive businesses to ensure those we place on internships have an equitable and positive experience. There is scope to offer this as an in-house support service to employers to generate income.

Overarching Project Goals
  • Empower LGBTQ+ young adults to enter workplace or education authentically in a way they are comfortable.
  • Empower LGBTQ+ young adults to advocate for their needs at work or in education in an honest and clear way.
  • End long-term un-engagement by LGBTQ+ people in work or education through ensuring those they work with are in the best position to find work that matches their passion.
  • Utilising evaluation to empower beneficiaries and foster growth and understanding in business and educational sectors while looking to implement this project permanently as a result of findings.
  • Improving organisational intersectionality through entrenching local and professional relationships in the ultimate aim to connect with LGBTQ+ people who may not access mainstream services.
Success Indicators
  • Placements found for 75% of participants(total 50): via internships, employment, volunteering, and education through developing and existing networks.
  • Workshop attendance of 20-30 people per workshop and 80 people across the 2 year project
  • 80% good or above feedback: measuring progress through regular service consultations, focus groups, feedback forms and workshops feedback.

Corporate Training & Consultancy


We work with businesses, employees, and volunteer teams to create environments within the workplace where LGBTQ+ young adults can prosper.


On average LGBTQ+ people earn 4% less than non-LGBTQ+ people meaning the average LGBTQ+ person misses out on over £53,712 in their lifetime. Although LGB Women on average earn 5% more than their heterosexual counterparts, trans women earn up to 11% less (OECD – 2019). Over 57% of LGBTQ+ people who are currently in work have left their previous employment as a result of the workplace failing to create an inclusive environment for them.

According to the most recent census data, 18 to 24 years olds are twice as likely to identify as LGBTQ+ compared to older generations. This is why our training stands out from the crowd. We work with our LGBTQ+ service users who are preparing to enter the workplace to ensure our work speaks to them and creates the workplace cultures that they’d want to work within. We understand the experiences of LGBTQ+ people who are at the start of their professional lives and know what businesses can do to support them.


Moving Forwards
We know that those who purchase our training enjoy what we offer with almost 100% of businesses who purchase a package from Blossom rating it ‘excellent’. We need to foster a more focused approach to our training packages to ensure they fit within our purpose & benefit from our unique expertise. Regardless of it’s audience, our training should focus creating environments where LGBTQ+ young adults can succeed.

We should explore the audiences of packages to ensure we offer targeted and affordable packages to businesses, educational institutions, and public & third sector service practitioners.

Success Indicators
  • A minimum of two training sessions booked every month.
  • 75% success rate towards all prospective enquiries.
  • 80% of service user feedback indicates an average review of ‘good’ or ‘very good’.
12 Month Targets
  • A minimum of one promotional activity every month.
  • Plan & delivery of an annual gorilla marketing campaign.
  • Generate up to £30,000 of unrestricted income.
  • Explore not for profit delivery routes to ensure basic LGBTQ+ inclusion is delivered for free to all workplaces.
  • Align our training focus & ethos with our mentoring scheme and target market.
Long Term targets
  • Generate the funds for, and recruit, two full time consultants, each with a portfolio valued at £50,000 or more.
  • Deliver larger and more in person networking activities with capacity for over 200 people.
  • Increase consultancy sales by 25% every year.

Guardian Support Scheme


A safe space to equip and empower parents and guardians in supporting and advocating for their LGBTQ+ relations.



A poll by Stonewall found that LGBTQ+ people over the age of 60 had come out at an average age of 37, but those aged 30 or younger had come out at an average age of 21. As attitudes towards LGBTQ+ people improves it’s expected this will continue to get lower. 85% of the British public say they would be supportive if their child, sibling or close family member came out as lesbian, gay or bisexual, and 71% would be supportive if they came out as a transgender or non-binary. Less than half would feel confident that they knew how to provide the support. (Data by YouGov). This data suggests that a need for support services for parents and guardians is required and due to our target market, we’re best placed to provide this.


When seeking feedback regarding our current service provision, our parent & guardian support group has been referred to as having a “negative” atmosphere which “focuses too much on hardship”. There are three other similar groups operated within Surrey with better feedback.


Moving Forwards
Understanding what’s already available within Surrey, there is very little need for us to continue running a support group for parent and guardians in Woking. However, it is apparent that those who do use our current services seem to have young people with high needs and therefore it’s vital they are not excluded.

We believe a one to one parent & guardian mentoring scheme with the goal of supporting mentees to empower and advocate for their LGBTQ+ loved ones seems more appropriate and in line with our broader vision. It’s important this compliments the services already being provided by other groups. Due to the time & resource required, this should be operated on a tiered pricing structure based on income rather than for free.

Success Indicators
  • Service user engagements are short term and average no more than 5 sessions per person.
  • Service user feedback indicates at least 80% of service users come away from the scheme feeling positive and supportive of their child’s journey.
  • The cost of delivering this service is covered by the service itself.
12 Month Targets
  • Re-establish the service delivery as a mentoring scheme rather than a support group whilst developing clear mentoring processes and guidance specific to the delivery of coaching guardians and build measurable and genuine service evaluation frameworks.
  • Up to 80% positive service delivery feedback.
  • At least 50% of all new referrals to come directly from public & third sector.
  • Begin service delivery to up to 10 mentees.
Long Term targets
  • Understand if this service provision is sustainable and develop in line with service demand trends.
  • Ensure the service is feasible financially and the delivery of this service does not cost the organisation money.

Arts & Heritage Scheme


Our workshops focus on growing, nurturing and empowering local creative talent whilst building the LGBTQ+ communities pride in its own heritage.



Research, carried out by members of the Creative Freelancers found that only 2% of freelancers living in South East England are able to attain economic independence through creative jobs. Despite queer creatives being over represented within the arts the study found heterosexual, cisgender, white British, upper or middle class individuals were the only demographic able to attain economic freedom within the creative industry. Two thirds of those being men over 50. This is why a programme empowering queer artists to consider creative practices as a career path, and the wider LGBTQ+ community to explore their own creative practices is vital.


The importance of mindfulness and expressive outlets cannot be understated. 2018 research by Stonewall found that over half of LGBTIQ+ people had experienced depression, and three in five had experienced anxiety with one in eight LGBTIQ+ people aged 18 to 24 had attempted to end their life. Ensuring the community has positive and constructive ways to express their feelings is a key way we can improve on LGBTQ+ wellbeing before it becomes an issue.


Moving Forwards
Our LGBTQ+ visual arts workshops continues to be our most popular service provision. It’s important that we listen to feedback rom service users who would like to see a more targeted and themed approach and we should strongly consider the power heritage plays within queer arts.


Our performing arts workshop requires additional attention with a new venue, better promotional materials, and additional funding being needed urgently. It’s important that we formalise our support for newly established queer artists through a scheme that focuses on business acumen, workshop delivery, and building confidence.

Success Indicators
  • Delivery of two arts workshops every month.
  • 80% positive feedback in session evaluation forms.
  • Launch of mentoring scheme for queer artists partnering with at least 6 different artists.
12 Month Targets
  • Maintain the high attendance levels of our visual arts workshops.
  • Re-establish and grow our performing arts workshops to reach at least 30 attendees.
  • Shift focus towards the delivery of a scheme focused towards heritage.
Long Term targets
  • Use the learning and data produced by our scheme to scale our workshop offering in line with the scheme with the goal of operating in at least 3 counties in the South East.
  • Explore opportunities to build upon our work supporting creative practitioners through an enhanced scheme for creatives.
  • By 2030 reach a minimum of 180 workshop attendees across three counties each year.
  • By 2030 mentor a minimum of 20 artists across South England a year.


Blossom LGBT CIC requires core functionality improvements to truly thrive and to deal with the significant increases in investments that we are planning to secure. In short, these are:

  • Build robust and clear equity policies & assessments prioritising our ambition to be leaders in anti-racist, justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion throughout all our work.
  • Ensure our groups & services reach multiple marginalised and under represented LGBTQ+ groups.
  • Review all internal operational policies to ensure corporate governance.
  • Provide upskilling & social opportunities to our volunteers.
  • Develop a clear financial plan and aim to begin building reserves to ensure future stability.
  • Reduce our reliance on grant & trust funders by diversifying our income streams.
  • Grow and expand our services with when financially responsible.
  • Attract and retain LGBTQ+ practitioners and ensure service provision sustainability by providing paid opportunities.

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