Category Blossom LGBT+

1 Jan

What’s new in 2024 | Hear from our CEO

The QUEENS SPEECH A very happy new year from the entire team at Blossom LGBT CIC! We can’t believe how amazing 2023 was and how far we’ve come! Here’s what’s in store for 2024…


11 Oct

Supporting Our Team: Donate to Our 2023 Fundraiser

We're fundraising to furnish a studio space for the next 12 months for our team and the wider LGBTQIA+ community. We can only do this with your help.


17 Aug

Blossom Receives Generous Grant from the National Lottery Community Fund to Empower LGBTQ+ Youth in the Workplace

Blossom Receives Generous Grant from the National Lottery Community Fund Reading Time: 5 MinsCategory: NewsAuthor: Oscar Hoyle Blossom LGBT CIC Is excited to announce that we will be receiving a generous grant from the National Lottery Community Fund. The funds will be used to empower LGBTQ+ young adults to succeed in Work and Education. Blossom […]


3 Aug

Blossom LGBT CIC Receives Support from Players of the Postcode Lottery to CreateWellbeing Focused Social Space for LGBTQ+ Young Adults

Blossom LGBT CIC is delighted to announce that we have been awarded a grant from the Postcode Society Trust, a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. The grant will be used to establish a much-needed wellbeing focused alcohol-free evening social space for LGBTQ+ young adults in Woking.


20 Feb

Training to support each other! Our fantastic allyship course!

There’s a tonne of things you can do to create LGBTQ+ inclusive cultures but if the people within your organisation aren’t moving in the same direction then it’s unlikely that you’ll be getting anywhere fast.


15 Feb

Our awesome training on delivering powerful LGBTQ+ inclusive services.

ABOUT OUR INCLUSIVE SERVICES TRAINING. Reading Time: 5 Mins Category: Training Author: Oscar Hoyle Some background Did you know that according to the most recent Government Census data people aged 18 to 25 years old are twice as likely to identify as LGBTQ? This means that even if you haven’t historically provided services to openly […]


3 Aug

Blossom LGBT Founder, Oscar Hoyle, Winner of Gaydio My Pride Hero 2022

The founder and director of Blossom LGBT CIC has been named one of five winners of 'My Pride Hero'. The initiative run by Gaydio was designed to recognize and thank LGBTQ+ people who contribute a lot to a person personally or the wider community


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